Ordinary, Happily Ever After

Blended Family Style


Ordinary Reminders Of A Good Life

You may think, “Hey, you live in Maine, everyone is weird right? So why would it be a big deal if you homeschool in a place where everyone is already weird?” To which I would

The brand spanking new Walmart opened up in Ellsworth. It’s a SuperWalmart and is so FANCY! It’s the biggest one in Maine and possibly New England. I walked inside and I swore I was in

I’m sure you are all wondering how well my “Almost Vegan” lifestyle has been treating me. As expected, the decrease of meat, cheese and milk has been extremely beneficial to my gastric life. I can

Of course, Matt thought the first one was lame. He couldn’t even get through it. But THIS! He’ll be able to get through.

A few weeks ago, Matt mentioned to me that we just don’t live long enough to follow all of our dreams. And that there isn’t any point to trying to live vicariously through someone, because