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So do YOU have a Private Blog?

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In this day and age, people “go private” for any number of reasons. If you are someone who has chosen to take your blog private, you may have been disappointed at the sudden drop in traffic and comments from your nearest and dearest.

Do they love you less?

No!! The problem is that you don’t show up in GOOGLEREADER anymore! And… let’s face it: we’re creatures of habit and convenience. To paraphrase a friend of my sister’s (as I am copying this post from HER blog): “your blog is dead to me now.”

Have I got a solution for you!!

My  sister keeps a private blog. Shes also keep open“update blogs”.  You can see my sister’s here.

When they post on their private blogs, they make a quick companion-post on the “update blog” to alert loved ones that there is fresh content on the “real blog”. The feeds are open to googlereader and other personal tracking sites.

In addition, these update blog pages can have as much or as little information as you want. It can even include contact information for those times when old friends find you while blog-hopping, but have no way to get in contact with you for an invite to your “real” blog. Or people can just leave requests in a comment section. Or it can be sanitized and nameless.

Anyway, I have really loved having this private blogs be so much more accessible. I love the authors exactly the same amount that I always have loved her, but googlereader makes it easier to show them my love.

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