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The Good, the Bad and the Barricade

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Well, in some ways I already feel more at home here than I did in Maine.  The Sacramento Mountain Ward  (the other ward) was having a play group at “The Bounce Place”.  Which was an arcade with 3 bouncy houses and lil’ tikes cars and activity tables for the tiny kiddos.  There were tons of kids.  Emma and Spencer had an absolute blast.  After about an hour Lucy started to feel frustrated with the fact that she was the oldest kid around and she was too big for a lot of the toys.  I took her and played in the arcade portion for a little bit with her.  We played foosball and a basketball type thing.  Then a little girl about 5 years old warmed up to her and they went off to play air hockey.  I really enjoyed having a chance to meet and talk to other moms and see my kids have fun with other kids.

I came home early from the play group with Little Caesar’s Pizza (something I haven’t had in YEARS) and we had a nice long lunch with Matt.  It’s going to be so nice to be living less than a mile from his office.  He can come home for lunch every day.  He looked really tired so I chided him a little bit.  “You should have told me not to come home, then you could have had a nap”  But he said he’s rather see me then have a nap.  You can’t argue with that 🙂

Matt is still spinning his wheels.  So far there hasn’t been much progress on his in-processing.

But this small little space is getting to us all.  Apparently two hours of running around wasn’t enough for them.  The very sight of our living room has the same effect as an injection of pure energy and the grumps.  My ears are bleeding from the noise.  Someone please tell me a channel with Phineas and Ferb on 24/7.  Since that show is apparently the only thing that can stop my children from killing each other and stop the shrieking sounds coming from spilling from their mouths.

I have barricaded myself in my room and am just praying that TNT has a Law and Order or Charmed that I can watch.

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