Weekends and Rainy Days

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We spent the week dealing with pukey kids and the weekend dealing with recovering kids (not much better, IMHO). We playing outside a lot on Saturday, taking a crying Spencer in whenever he needed a nap.

I stayed home with him on Sunday.

Yesterday it was BEAUTIFUL! We woke up and as soon as we could went straight up Acadia Mountain. The view was so pretty and Spencer did much better this time than last time. The girls did the traditional “WOW!” when we got to the top and looked out over the sound. Emma made a sand castle at the top (she found the only pile of sand on that rock) and Lucy complained about her knees.

After our hike we took our after hike trip to Subway and got some lunch. Then we high tailed it over to the Grand where they were playing “The Tale of Despereaux” for $1. It was alright I guess. Certainly not one I would buy. Maybe a little morbid (rats eating mice and trying to eat people, ewe). But if I had to pick a movie to miss half of because I was out in the hall with a tired and whiney little boy, that one was it.

Last week I finished reading “The Secret Garden” to the girls, so we watched the movie. It’s nice that the girls are old enough to watch something that isn’t a cartoon and still enjoy it. I think it’s time I introduced them to Anne and Pride and Prejudice.

Today the weather couldn’t be more different than yesterday. It’s rainy, windy, cold and wet. So I decided that while we were running our errands this afternoon we would pick up some rain boots and umbrellas for the kids so they could play outside in the rain. After several trips in and out of stores, back and forth from the car and jumping in every puddle in between, the kids were quite ready to be done playing in the rain by the time we got home. So right now. We are all snuggled up in our beds and jammied and warm. Ready for a nice long Spring time nap. Matt came home early from work. So he’s here too.

Rainy days aren’t all that bad 🙂

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